est. 1979
Philips Garage is located at 19 McFarlane Street, Glasgow, G4 0TL | View location map
Travelling by bus
Several local buses stop at Bain Street which is approximately 100 metres from Philips Garage. Additionally, the local buses are equipped with;
Low entrances that can 'kneel' to kerb height to give step free access where possible
Retractable boarding ramp for wheelchair and pushchair access
Completely flat areas on the lower deck with no internal steps
High visibility hand rails
Dedicated wheel chair spaces
Travelling by taxi
Customers benefit from pick up and drop off point located at the workshop entrance, taxis can be booked on your behalf at Philips Garage reception.
Our preferred taxi supplier is Glasgow Taxis, all vehicle provided to service the public are wheelchair accessible and their head office is situated 2.3 miles from our workshop. Take advantage of their route calculator linked here | Route calculator
Travelling by train
The closest train station to Philips Garage is located on High Street, alternative options are Glasgow Central, Queen Street and Argyll Street stations. Further travel details can be found at Scotrail.
Low Emission Zone in Glasgow
Phase 1 of Glasgow's LEZ applies to local service buses only, however when Phase 2 is enforced from 1 June 2023, all vehicles entering the city centre zone must meet the required emission standards to avoid a penalty unless the vehicle is exempt. For more information click HERE.
Parking at Philips Garage
Please do not drive straight into the garage or park just outside the doorway, our technicians need unobstructed access to to the exit.
We have a private car park situated to the left of the workshop that can comfortably accommodate twelve vehicles. When visiting us, please park your vehicle sensibly within the allotted space allowing for four vehicles per row. Please take care and consideration when parking your vehicle as we cannot be held accountable for any damage incurred as a result. Ensure that no valuables are left inside the vehicle and the vehicle is locked before bringing the keys into reception.
Glasgow City Council operate a monitored parking zone within McFarlane Street, to remain compliant please do not park on double yellow lines and when parking in the allocated bays outwith our car park please ensure you make use of the pay and display facility, clearly displaying your purchased ticket for wardens to see.
Before bringing your vehicle to Philips Garage
Please ensure that your vehicle is clear of all items including the boot and the rear seats including the removal of all used face masks and gloves, this allows our technicians to safely navigate through your vehicle conducting their work, health checks or MOT assessments without obstruction. Our technicians are not permitted to touch or remove any personal items from the vehicle, ensuring the vehicle is clear allows our workshop to run efficiently & your privacy is maintained. Please also ensure your vehicle is clean as we may refuse to work on any vehicle that has not been cleaned or cleared of items for our technicians safety.
Please ensure your vehicle has ample fuel in the tank on presenting your vehicle to the workshop as part of our inspection or investigation process includes road testing the vehicle. If you are presenting your vehicle to the workshop for a geometry, ADAS calibrations, DPF assessment or DPF clean the vehicle must have a full tank of fuel to ensure we can meet manufacturers specifications.
If your vehicle requires a locking wheel key to remove the wheels, please leave the locking key in the center console or on the passenger seat - we may not require use of the key however should circumstance arise that we require to remove a wheel it allows us to ensure continued productivity whilst working on your vehicle. We thank you kindly for your co-operation.
Workshop access
Our customer reception is situated to the left on entry to our building, here you will be greeted by one of our team members who will take note of any further information and your vehicle keys to allow us to begin work. Please note that the entry point is also made use of by technicians driving vehicles too and from the workshop, remain to the left of the door within the lines highlighting our pedestrian walkway when entering and exiting the building.
In light of recent challenges brought by the Coronavirus we have introduced measured contact in respect to all visitors at our workshop. Please note that no entry to our reception is permitted, all communications are held at the reception window for your safety as well as our staff. Some of our other procedures may evolve and become enhanced in line with current lock down measures, these will be communicated verbally on booking should change occur.
Navigating through Philips Garage
Please note that for your own safety and that of our technicians, the public are not permitted entry to our workshop passed the point of the reception. We maintain strict health and safety polices whereby we cannot permit unauthorized access unless otherwise granted by management and you remain accompanied by a team member at all times. We thank you for consideration to our policies.
Failure to attend a workshop appointment
If you are unable to attend an appointment for any reason, please extend us the courtesy and contact us to advise us of your inability to attend. If you wish to reschedule we can make those arrangements with you. Whilst we do not charge a booking fee as standard practice, failure to attend an appointment without communication could result in future requests of a non refundable booking fee or refusal of any future appointments.
Authorisation of works
On presenting your vehicle to the workshop, the only works that will be carried out are what has been requested by the vehicle owner on making the booking. All services are chargeable unless otherwise stated or agreed upon. On presenting your vehicle to the workshop you are agreeing to our policies, terms and authorisation to carry out the works requested at the costs applicable to complete the works desired. Any additional works found to be necessary will be communicated to the vehicle owner for authorisation. No additional works will be carried out without the consent of the vehicle owner.
Charging for our services
Please note that all services are subject to a financial charge unless otherwise stated or agreed upon.
Estimating costs for repairs and services
We aim to respond to an estimate request within 48 hours from receipt. Estimates are valid for seven days from the estimate date. Following the expiration of the seven day period a review of costs will be necessary to ensure accuracy. On completion of any authorised works we will update the labour cost to reflect the accurate time spent on the job however an estimate of expected time will be provided beforehand if possible.
Vehicle components
Your safety is our concern, this is our primary reason that we only provide our customers with components with trusted, traceable supply. Counterfeiters are becoming more cunning at replicating parts and online distribution is making it harder for them to be traced. Whilst forged parts are undoubtedly cheaper the long term cost can be substantial, surpassing financial implications - it could cost a life. We operate a strict policy whereby we refuse any and all requests to fit customer supplied components. Trust in industry professionals, trust in Philips Garage.
Warranty of components
For peace of mind, we offer a twelve month warranty for all components fitted to your vehicle during any repair undertaken at our workshop. The twelve month cover begins the date of fitting and expires the date before the anniversary of installation to complete the cover of one complete year.
Following geometry adjustment or ADAS calibration
Please note that once your vehicle has been successfully subject to geometry or ADAS calibration adjustments there are circumstances that can cause misalignment or requirement for the vehicles operating systems to be recalibrated, these circumstances can be but are not limited to hitting a pothole, suspension replacement, component replacement including windscreen or accidental impact. Please note that should circumstance arise that a geometry or ADAS calibration would need readjusted or recalibrated, despite any minimal lapsed frame of time, any further adjustments or calibrations required will be subject to charge as we are not liable to the costs of maintaining the vehicle. Due to the nature of the works we cannot offer guarantee or warranty on these two services. On presenting your vehicle to the workshop for readjustment of either the geometry or ADAS system or both, please ensure the vehicle is presented with a full tank of fuel to ensure manufacturers specifications are met.
Insurance or warranty repairs
We are partnered with various insurance and warranty companies and undertake works or repairs on their behalf. Please note that in the event the third party determines that partial or all financial cover for the repair will be refused, you will be liable for any costs incurred that are not deemed to be covered by said third party. Please note that any dispute with these arrangements or your policy agreement should be directed to the third party whom retains the terms of your policy.
Payment for goods and services
We accept payment for goods and services by various means; cash, card or bank transfer. We do not accept American Express. No vehicle is permitted to leave the premises without payment in full. All goods remain the property of Philips Garage Limited until payment is received in full.
Leaving your vehicle with us overnight
Please note that our insurer does not permit us to retain vehicles in the workshop overnight, should circumstance occur please note that your vehicle will be parked in our private car park. Please take care and consideration when presenting your vehicle and ensure that no valuables are left inside the vehicle as we cannot be held accountable for any damage or missing items as a result. Please note that if your vehicle is not collected on the date of completion your vehicle will be subject to a storage charge of £30 plus vat unless otherwise agreed upon.
We operate a full compliment of commercial cameras that record both audio and visual, internal and external to the building for the protection of our employees and our customers.
Health and safety
The safety of our customers is of the greatest importance to us. As such, we ask that all customers adhere to the guidance given by our team whilst you are in attendance of our workshop.
It is the responsibility of all customers to ensure that they have sufficient vehicle insurance cover arranged for all necessary aspects of the travelling too and from our workshop extending to parking in our car park.
Whilst we enforce safety measures and operate surveillance allowing us take all reasonable care of your vehicle whilst it is parked in our car park, we accept no liability for any claim by you or any other person for loss or damage to your vehicle or any other vehicle - whether resulting from using the carpark or being unable to use the carpark or for negligence or otherwise. We ask that you ensure all personal belongings and equipment are stored safely, out of sight or removed from the vehicle to eliminate all risk.
We operate a comprehensive vehicle insurance policy allowing our technicians to drive all customer vehicles, rest assured your vehicle is in safe hands and covered by us in this instance.
Acceptance of our Policies, Terms and Conditions
Please note that you are deemed to be accepting of any and all of our Policies, Terms and Conditions in their entirety and without dispute on presenting your vehicle to our workshop for appointment.
Risk Assessment
All contractors, sub-contractors or agents appointed by the contractor attending Philips Garage have responsibilities as laid out in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and any mandatory Acts/Regulations relevant to their activities on site.
Whilst we take all safety precautions and conduct monthly risk assessments, it remains the responsibility of the contractor/s to ensure that a safe working environment is achieved prior to work commencing. We reserve the right to inspect the risk assessment at any given time.
Further information on how to complete a risk assessment or method statement is available from the Health and Safety Executive.
Zero tolerance policy
Our employees should be able to come to work without fear of violence, abuse or harassment from contractors, customers, their family or friends. We operate a zero tolerance policy at Philips Garage, we cannot ignore or dismiss the chances of abuse or violence towards employees and will support the removal and ban of your presence in our workshop and prosecution of any offending parties.
Feedback and Contact information
If we have not covered your access requirements in this informational page, or if you would like to provide us with feedback regarding this statement please contact us using the below information;
T: +44 (0) 141 552 3834 E: philipsgarage01@googlemail.com
We will be happy to discuss your needs and offer any further assistance where possible. We regularly review and update our services in order to continuously improve customer experience at Philips Garage. Thank you for your consideration of our policies.